Mixing and Applying COLOR Simplified



Understanding color is essential to creating work that captivates the eye and evokes certain moods or emotions.  Through a series of fun exercises you will learn to understand the color wheel, color schemes, color harmony, and color dominance.  You will make useful swatches that can be used for future references. Whether you are just starting out or have some experience with watercolor, this workshop will help you masterfully mix and apply color to achieve a "wow effect" in your painting by bringing harmony, excitement and luminosity through better use of color.

All skill levels, 18 years or older are eligible to attend.   Class size is limited and is on a “first come” basis.

Non-refundable registration fee for workshop:  $75.00

Method of payment:  check/money order (payable to Jim Pourtorkan) or credit card.

You can pay online with credit card by clicking the Pay Now button below.  If you prefer to pay by check/money order, please mail fee to:  Jim Pourtorkan POB 344, Edmond, OK  73083-0344.

For questions, registration form, and supply list: Please  email your name, address, and telephone number to:     Jim Pourtorkan  

Location of workshop:  Hobby Lobby (Classroom) 800 W. Danforth Road, Edmond, OK  73003